Thursday, May 1, 2008

Starting the engine

What a fantastic concept Library 2.0 is for encouraging those of us with limited or mid level technical skills to get involved in the new information and communication revolution! Just when I think I've nailed a new technology, there's another fantastic product or website - it's definitely hard to keep up! One of the best things about newer technologies is that they're so user friendly. On the down-side, they're also very addictive and eat up lots of time!

As my blogname suggests I ride a motorbike, (which is a challenge I really enjoy - you feel so "alive" on the road with just some rubber between you and the tarmac) and have had an a stint as a cataloguer (I've been referred to as Mrs Dewey in the past). More details later, but I'm so pleased to have "started the engine" on Library 2.0 at last.


The Other Boleynda Girl said...

That's interesting. It seems we both have a preferred mode of travel-yours with 2 wheels,mine with 4 legs! And a similar taste in music! Well done biker girl..

Estrogen Lonely said...

Love the name!